Monday, 20 April 2015

Perfecting and Beautification - 20/4/15

This weekend I had lots of work. Which is good. I like money. It's cool. It also pays for things.

Oh, you mean relevant to the degree. Gotcha, well basically I spent a lot of time making the game look nice and adding lots of details to the world. I also added 4 corners to the map which has probably added about 40-50% extra content to the world. I feel like it looks pretty nice.

I added new buildings like a hospital and a parking lot. I also added a flat parking area, a large fountain area and increased the size of the dump. Aside from this I added lots of little details to the world and a few easter eggs.

The programmers worked on making the game easier to understand which I feel has been successful so far but we still have some work to do, but I'm stoked with the progress.

Speaking of, we found an interesting game that looks a lot like ours. Jim posted it on Facebook last night. Here's link to the video.

I will add some screenshots soon.
Fountain area.

Car park building and park.

Car park and hospital.

Thanks for reading.


Here's a link to a beta test of our game!

And here's a link to the Google forms questionnaire:

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